• Welcome to M-technologies Ltd
  • (+265) 991 245 401
  • info@m-technologiesmw.com

Website Development

Your internet profile

Most web design and development companies have their own philosophy on how to build websites. One website designer might compete on price, and tend to produce a web design much like a cookie cutter makes cookies.
Another web designer might produce beautiful graphics work, but ignore search engine optimization. The artful delivery of information through the web requires the integration of many different skills.

Successful webmasters need to have strengths in all of those skills to create a website that really works. That's why we offer a complete line-up of web creation talent for our clients:

  • Image Creation/ Branding
  • Graphics Design
  • Programming and Database Design
  • Search Engine Optimization
Improve your business with us !
Creative web designs since 2011

As website designers, we know that the Internet makes locale irrelevant. Our clients can be- and are- anywhere in the country. The speed of communication on the Internet makes the exchanges of ideas across large distances quite feasible. And it's those ideas of ours which create our advantage! If you are considering developing an Internet website for your company, enhancing your existing one, or developing an Intranet or Extranet site, please contact us for some of those ideas.

At M-technologies, we know that professional web design and development requires that attention has to be paid to all of the facets involved in presenting the message. The most important of these is the effective targeting of both the message and the consumers of that message. This is accomplished by doing research: analyzing which phrases will resonate with likely customers, quantifying the performance of those phrases with search engines, and analyzing other websites' use of those phrases. It's not important how many people see your website. It's important how many of the right people see it!

Once the message and consumer have been targeted effectively , the message needs to be honed and refined to produce a high-impact impression, which will be memorable and useful to that consumer. Most often this is accomplished through professional quality graphics design, and concise meaningful textual messages. In some cases, it is effective to reinforce the standard graphics and text with multimedia or sound, depending on bandwidth capability of the intended audience.

Client Success

Join an incredible record of organizations, from startups to banks to Government Agencies, who trust our web development services.
When it comes to website designs, Our clientiele includes:

  • High Court of Malawi
  • Adconsult Int
  • Blantyre City Council
  • Makwacha.com
  • Mulanje College of Nursing